So as the tech is wheeling me back to my room Im trying to decide how to tell James. I really had no idea what he was going to say. We had decided that this was going to be my last baby. I had wanted four kids but because it had taken so long for us to get pregnant we decided this would be our last. I guess Heavenly Father granted my wish with one pregnancy! haha....anyways I just decided to hand the picture to James and let that tell him. He just looked at it and said "What is this"...I said well those are our babies. I think we both laughed for about twenty mins. At this point I was only 8 weeks along. Now I am 15 weeks and our babies have grown so much. We still don't know the sexes we probably won't find out for another couple of weeks but we are so excited and feel so blessed to bring these little spirits into the world. I fall in love with them more and more every time I see them and as far as we know they are paternal twins not identical. So this is the new and exciting news in the Craig family. :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Seriously?! :)
Ok so from the day I found out we were going to have a baby I joked around with James about the possibility of having twins. Its something that I always thought would be fun! So from that day on I teased him constantly. Well when we finally got to Tennessee it took forever for me to get an appointment to see a Doctor. I am use to having an ultrasound done right away to confirm pregnancy. The Army does things a little differently. Well about two weeks after moving into our apartment I started cramping really bad. I was so sad because I thought this meant I was miscarrying. So James took me to the ER to determine what was going on. When I got there they were concerned about a number of things from threatened miscarriage to an ectopic pregnancy. So the treatment was to determine my HCG levels and do an ultrasound. So they wheeled me into ultrasound and the tech started doing her job. I asked her if she saw a heartbeat and she told me she couldn't tell me because I was an emergency patient and it was hospital policy. I was not she knew what was going on and i couldn't know. Well after a little bit of her looking at the screen she started in on the small talk....her question that made me kinda think she was being weird was she asked me how many kids I had at home....well...I said...I have two. Well she got this big smile on her face and told me she shouldn't tell me this but I was about to have two more.......tears started streaming down my face and after that she said....and they both have heartbeats. I had so many emotions running through me at once. But the one that remained constant was that I was so lucky and so blessed to have this amazing opportunity. Then came uncontrollable laughter as I thought how I was going to tell my husband who was patiently waiting in my room. Here is a picture of our little miracles.

So as the tech is wheeling me back to my room Im trying to decide how to tell James. I really had no idea what he was going to say. We had decided that this was going to be my last baby. I had wanted four kids but because it had taken so long for us to get pregnant we decided this would be our last. I guess Heavenly Father granted my wish with one pregnancy! haha....anyways I just decided to hand the picture to James and let that tell him. He just looked at it and said "What is this"...I said well those are our babies. I think we both laughed for about twenty mins. At this point I was only 8 weeks along. Now I am 15 weeks and our babies have grown so much. We still don't know the sexes we probably won't find out for another couple of weeks but we are so excited and feel so blessed to bring these little spirits into the world. I fall in love with them more and more every time I see them and as far as we know they are paternal twins not identical. So this is the new and exciting news in the Craig family. :)
So as the tech is wheeling me back to my room Im trying to decide how to tell James. I really had no idea what he was going to say. We had decided that this was going to be my last baby. I had wanted four kids but because it had taken so long for us to get pregnant we decided this would be our last. I guess Heavenly Father granted my wish with one pregnancy! haha....anyways I just decided to hand the picture to James and let that tell him. He just looked at it and said "What is this"...I said well those are our babies. I think we both laughed for about twenty mins. At this point I was only 8 weeks along. Now I am 15 weeks and our babies have grown so much. We still don't know the sexes we probably won't find out for another couple of weeks but we are so excited and feel so blessed to bring these little spirits into the world. I fall in love with them more and more every time I see them and as far as we know they are paternal twins not identical. So this is the new and exciting news in the Craig family. :)
Tennessee here we come!
After James graduation we left Oklahoma and went back to Arizona to get all of our stuff out of storage and then head out on our journey to clarksville. We were so excited to see my parents and family again. For the two months we were ten weeks we were in Oklahoma we really missed them. We got to spend about a week with them which wasn't enough time. I enjoyed being back in Arizona. Thats where our little family began. One AMAZING piece of news was found out the night we got to Arizona. James and I left the kids with my parents and headed off to Target to get some things that we needed. While we were at my FAV store I decided to pick up a pregnancy test because I was feeling kind of blah and realized I was a few weeks. Well to my AMAZING surprise and three tests later...
It was POSITIVE!!!! I was so extremely shocked and excited!! Its something that I had wanted for a really long time and I didn't think was going to happen for a while. So after we had found this exciting piece of news out we spent time with family and prepared ourselves for our big move! :)
Our big move came a little sooner then we thought. James orders were written out wrong and if we didn't leave early he would have been considered AWOL...which could have landed him in jail. So with the help of family we packed up our 16ft truck with all our belongings and sadly left Arizona.

Here are some fav pics and memories with my family!
It was the hardest thing I have had to do in a while. I was so happy to be with James again but leaving my family was hard. They were the ones to help pick up the pieces after James had to leave and they were the ones to provide my kids and I with comfort, love, and support during his absence. Plus we were leaving eight years of a life we created together behind. It was not something easy to do. But, we did. We traveled for 29 hours through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and finally Fort Campbell KY.
It was POSITIVE!!!! I was so extremely shocked and excited!! Its something that I had wanted for a really long time and I didn't think was going to happen for a while. So after we had found this exciting piece of news out we spent time with family and prepared ourselves for our big move! :)
Our big move came a little sooner then we thought. James orders were written out wrong and if we didn't leave early he would have been considered AWOL...which could have landed him in jail. So with the help of family we packed up our 16ft truck with all our belongings and sadly left Arizona.
Here are some fav pics and memories with my family!
It was the hardest thing I have had to do in a while. I was so happy to be with James again but leaving my family was hard. They were the ones to help pick up the pieces after James had to leave and they were the ones to provide my kids and I with comfort, love, and support during his absence. Plus we were leaving eight years of a life we created together behind. It was not something easy to do. But, we did. We traveled for 29 hours through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and finally Fort Campbell KY.
AIT Graduation!!
Since I am so far behind on my blog I decided to start with James' AIT graduation. I moved the kids and I to Oklahoma right after Christmas so we could see James on the weekends while he finished up AIT. It was so much fun being able to see him more often but it was a long ten weeks waiting for it to end. James graduated March 9, 2011 and he achieved the Distinguished Honor Graduate that he had worked 20 long hard weeks for. This means he graduated at the top of his class and received a metal and a lot of deserved recognition for this title! I was so proud of him. It was a huge accomplishment. The week before his graduation I was busy packing up our little apartment getting us ready to drive back to Arizona after he graduated. Here are some pictures of James' special day!
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